Saturday, February 28, 2009

the situation in gaza

Sir, you being a Jew living in the Middle East, what do you think of the situation in Gaza?

Well sir, I am no expert in Politics. The way I see it, there are two main groups fighting each other over ideas. One group is called Hamas which is being financed by a meta-group called Iran. And then there's another group called Israelis who's being financed by yet another meta-group called America. The former thinks of itself as an "organization" of some kind of "liberation" while a great part of the rest of the world's population believes it to be simply "terrorists in action". The latter thinks it's "a country" for "Jews" like "me".

In any event, all these groups, whatever their names and titles and self-identities are - are fighting... and in the midst of it all - the simple people of the city of Gaza on the south part of the imaginary border are suffering, whilst the simple people of Sderot and Ashdod on the north part of the imaginary border are suffering just as well. Needless to say there's no way to portray the suffering caused to an endless number of entities over that region, and further more, outside of its parameters that are suffering as well, all due to these crazy affairs.

Now this model of insanity has been presented over and over again throughout mankind's history in the last few thousands of years give or take, all over the globe with all sorts of groups and ideas believing this or that and fighting them over. It always seems as if there's something new about it, but the simple truth is that only technology is actually being upgraded in this process. We started with stones and sticks and now we're using "smart" missiles and electronic devices, and, as Einstein once said, soon enough will we use stones and sticks yet again.

Hmmm. That's an over-simplified perhaps even very childish way of putting it, sir… but I guess you are absolutely right... Is there any simple as well solution for this, you think?

Oh I believe so, yes of course. There are many… There are many names for the kind of remedy that can honestly change these happenings, and you can sum them all up in the words "Truth/Self Realization". By nature, I am afraid, they are all done individually.

Do you mean Vipassana and things like that?

Yes, if it works for you... Vipassana is a very powerful tool for Truth/Self-Realization. Ah thank you, no further questions.

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